
International Titles Suffer Recession

International Titles Suffer Recession

A slide of 10% was recorded in the number of advertising pages in international titles last year, according to a new survey from US monitor Rome Report.

The study found that despite this down-turn, at rate card rates, ad revenue for international titles was up 1.73% year on year.

Total pages for the FT were down 12.28% and income was down 4.46%. Total ad pages for The Economist fell 9.66%, but revenue was up 8.44%. Fortune magazine recorded an overall fall of 7.3% in pages, but revenue rose by 5.3%. In Europe itself,The Economist suffered a 12.72% fall in advertising pages, with revenue down 3.23%. The Wall Street Journal saw ad pages fall 11.05% and revenue down 0.8%, whilst Time’s European edition actually saw ad pages up by 12.22%, with revenue up 30.36%. EUROPEAN EDITIONS 1990 V 1991

AD REV$’91 %PAGES %$
Readers Dgst 75734579 -6.95 17.8
Time 27869787 12.22 30.36
Newsweek 19277672 -3.91 3.22
Economist 15229080 -12.72 -3.23
WSJ Europe 14770392 -11.05 -0.08
Business Wk 9874041 -5.64 1.95
The European 9748950 355.85 100.98
Intnl Manmt 5430979 -4.69 8.49
Fortune 4149232 -7.98 0.42

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