
Internet Access Device Market Set To Expand

Internet Access Device Market Set To Expand

The worldwide market for internet access devices will grow at an overall annual rate of 28.2% between 2001 and 2006, according to a new report from In-Stat/MDR.

Internet access devices can be defined as personal computers, mobile phones, internet-enabled set-top boxes, internet appliances, smart appliances and white goods. Instat estimates that shipments will increase from their 2001 level of 226 million to over 790 million in 2006.

PC and mobile phone segments will make up the greatest percentage in terms of unit shipments but internet applicances, which include internet terminals and Tablet PCs, will have the highest CAGR over the period, with 74.3%. Notebooks and PDA growth will also comfortably outpace PC growth.

“There are various issues that affect the market for internet access devices,” said In-Stat/MDR Research Analyst Cindy Wolf. “Some of the most important issues, which vary by device, include, internet penetration rates, broadband availability, wireless networks, home networking, education and price. In addition, many of the internet access device product segments will face increased competition from each other, as device functionality converges in the coming years.”

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