
Internet Luring Off Peak Shoppers, Says Report

Internet Luring Off Peak Shoppers, Says Report

At a time when UK high street sales are sluggish, the internet is becoming an increasingly important marketplace and one of its major advantages would appear to be its flexibility. One third of all online sales are made between 6pm and 9am, according to new research from Barclaycard.

“People with busy lives often don’t have a lunch hour to go shopping or might want to make a big purchase, like a holiday, when they are at home with their partner,” the report said.

Barclaycard found that average online spend at night was £1.60 higher than during the day with travel and financial service products proving to be the most popular purchases. It is estimated that the volume of online shopping in the UK will top £7 billion this year, equivalent to 4% of all UK retail spend.

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