
Internet Population Increases By 10 Million

Internet Population Increases By 10 Million

There are now 563 million people worldwide with home access to the web according to the Global Internet Trends survey from Nielsen//NetRatings. The number of users rose by 10 million in the third quarter of 2002.

The study shows that the US continues to have the largest internet population, with almost 30% of the total audience based in that country. Europe accounts for 23% of the global internet population, ahead of Asia and the Pacific with 13%. The United Nations estimates that more than 650 million people worldwide will be online by the end of 2002 (see World Internet Population Continues To Rise).
Worldwide Home Internet Users Q3 2002 
Region  Total (m)  % Of World Internet Population 
US 167.1 29.7
Europe 129.5 23.0
Asia & Pacific 75.0 13.3
Latin America 14.0 2.5
Other 177.4 31.5
World  563.0  100.0 
Europe covers: France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, UK
Asia & Pacific covers: Australia, Hong Kong, Japan
Latin America covers: Brazil
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, November 2002 

The study also examined online buying habits in ten key markets and found that UK users were the most enthusiastic internet shoppers. 70% of people who browsed online for products or services in the UK in the third quarter went on to make a purchase. However Sweden, with 42%, has the highest proportion of retail site browsers and the Netherlands has experienced the fastest growth in the last twelve months.

“eCommerce continues to gain momentum in many countries, as the adult population has increasingly browsed for and purchased products online in the past six months,” said Richard Goosey, international chief of measurement science at NetRatings. “Web sites in the Multi-Category Commerce sector attracted a record proportion of European users in both August and September of this year.”

“More than 44% of European surfers visited a site in this sector in September. The sector growth continues to suggest that European eCommerce might still enjoy a record-breaking Christmans despite the economic downturn.”

Online Shopping Activity In Past Six Months, By Country 
   % Of Internet Users  % Of Browsers 
Country  Who Have Browsed For Products  Who Have Purchased Products  Who Have Purchased Online 
UK 32 23 70
Sweden 42 26 61
Australia 32 18 56
Germany 24 13 52
Netherlands 34 17 51
France 24 11 47
Hong Kong 16 7 42
Brazil 14 5 39
Italy 15 5 35
Spain 11 4 35
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, November 2002 

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