
Internet Reaches One Quarter Of Czech Republic Population

Internet Reaches One Quarter Of Czech Republic Population

More than a quarter of the Czech population, aged between 12 and 79, now have access to the internet, according to data published by GfK this week. The research shows that Net penetration in the Czech Republic has reached 25.7%, or 2.2 million people – a 32% rise year on year.

The quarterly Internet Monitor survey also found that 24.3% of the population (2.1 million people) now make at least occasional use of the web. Around a third of users access the internet every day or almost every day and 35% at least several times a week.
Czech Republic internet usage statistics 
  % of population aged 12-79 
Have access to the internet 25.7
Use the internet 24.3
Several times a month 21.7
Several times a week 16.3
Every day or almost every day 7.8
Source: GfK, 29.10.01   

There are more male (57%) users than female users in the Czech Republic and most Net users are aged 20-29 (25.2%) and have completed secondary education with maturita (school-leaving examination certificate – 38%).

The most common place for connection is currently through the workplace, at 10.4%. In the second quarter, the number of people connecting from home overtook the number of people connecting from school, as shown.

Czech Republic Internet Connection Profile 
  % of population aged 12-79 
Total internet users 25.7
Work 10.4
Home 8.7
School 7.7
Elsewhere 3.7
Source: GfK, 29.10.01   

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