
Internet To Offer More Movies And Entertainment

Internet To Offer More Movies And Entertainment

The growth of media and entertainment via the internet is set to continue, with films, games and animations all to drive revenues in multi-platform online entertainment, according to a new report from Screen Digest.

The total western world revenues for multi-platform web content are forecast to reach E3.2 billion by 2005, with western Europe accounting for E541 million by the same time.

Whilst Hollywood films will become increasingly available, it is interactive, ‘non-linear’ content which will predominantly drive growth and will account for the greatest share of the market’s revenue, says the report’s author Kenneth Nwagbogu.

Such offerings will include Flash animations and ‘massively-multiplayer’ online games, which are predicted to be worth E76 million and E163 million in Europe by 2005 respectively. Online feature films will bring $882 million in revenue in the western world and E207 million in western Europe by 2005.

Online movies and entertainment revenue 2005 forecasts 
  Europe (Em)  Western World ($m) 
Total western world   2,900
Total western Europe 541  
Flash animation and simple games 76 298
Short film content 39 189
Large multiplayer online games 163 921
Fuzzy media’ content 57 568
Feature film 207 882
Source: Screen Digest, May 2002   

Wireless devices to receive entertainment content The report – Online Movies And Entertainment: Emerging Business Models And Technologies – also predicts that non-linear, interactive Flash-based games and community content will be developed for wireless devices. There are forecast to be 155 million mobile internet users in western Europe alone by 2005, according to Screen Digest.

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