
Internet Usage Still Growing Worldwide

Internet Usage Still Growing Worldwide

The world’s internet population increased by 3% in the final quarter of 2002, according to the latest Global Internet Trends Report from Nielsen//NetRatings.

The number of individuals worldwide with access to the web via a home PC increased from 563 million in Q3 (see Internet Population Increases By 10 Million) to 580 million at the end of 2002. The US, with more than 168 million users (29% share), has the largest online population, followed by Europe which has 135.3 million web surfers (23%).
Worldwide Home Internet Users Q4 2002 
Region  Total (m)  % Of World Internet Population 
US 168.1 29
Europe 135.3 23
Asia & Pacific 75.5 13
Latin America 14.3 2
Rest Of World 186.8 33
Total  580.0  100 
Europe covers: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK
Asia & Pacific covers: Australia, Hong Kong, Japan
Latin America covers: Brazil
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, February 2003 

Figures show that the home internet population has increased by over 16% in the past year and both mature and developing markets are contributing to this ongoing growth.

“Nearly 10 million people over the age of 16 gained internet access in the US between the end of 2001 and the end of 2002, significantly more than in the other markets studied,” said Richard Goosey, international chief of measurement science at Nielsen//NetRatings. “As a percentage of population, this number represents a three percent increase for the US, whereas Spain experienced an increase of 22% of its population online for the same year.”

% Of People With Current Internet Access, By Country* 
Country  Q4 2001  Q4 2002  Change 
Spain 32 54 22
UK 62 68 6
Italy 50 56 6
Germany 59 63 4
US 76 79 3
Netherlands 70 73 3
France 52 54 2
Brazil 43 45 2
Sweden 84 85 1
Hong Kong 73 70 -3
Australia 76 72 -4
* Any location; among population 16+ in households with fixed line telephones
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, February 2003 

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