
Internet Users Drop By Over 3.5 Million In June

Internet Users Drop By Over 3.5 Million In June

The number of at home global internet users declined by more than 3.5 million from May 2004 to June 2004, according to the latest update from Nielsen//NetRatings.

Over the month, the number of active internet users over 13 countries fell to 296.9 million from 300.4 million, representing a decrease of 1.17%.

For the third consecutive month, only the United Kingdom, Japan and France saw figures continue to climb in June. Japan experienced the largest growth of 1.76% to reach 33.7 million active internet users. Although still growing, the United Kingdom and France saw only modest improvements on May’s figures. Figures for the United Kingdom were up by 0.61% taking total users to 21.0 million, while France jumped by 0.28% to 14.3 million.

Hong Kong suffered the largest percentage drop of 3.71%, losing 94,743 users, followed by the United States which saw web surfer figures decline by 2.53% (3.6 million) to 138.8 million.

Active Internet Users By Country At Home, June 2004 
Country  April 2004  May 2004  June 2004  May 04 – June 04 Growth  May 04 – June 04 Change 
Australia 8,441,341 8,510,814 8,379,571 -1.54% -131,243
Brazil 11,913,640 11,681,163 11,765,602 -0.72% -84,439
France 13,927,159 14,308,563 14,348,243 0.28% 39,679
Germany 27,083,535 26,948,420 26,775,877 -0.64% -172,543
Hong Kong 2,558,576 2,555,144 2,460,400 -3.71% -94,743
Italy 15,832,124 15,821,701 15,733,348 -0.56% -88,352
Japan 30,793,813 33,166,276 33,750,224 1.76% 583,948
Netherlands 7,994,859 7,833,391 7,785,983 -0.61% -47,409
Spain 8,338,762 8,474,442 8,436,889 -0.44% -37,553
Sweden 4,639,081 4,482,007 4,391,951 -2.01% -90,056
Switzerland 3,228,645 3,119,194 3,215,203 -3.03% -100,331
United Kingdom 21,093,948 20,955,636 21,082,432 0.61% 126,796
United States 143,041,743 142,406,616 138,805,566 -2.53% 3,601,050
TOTALS  298,887,224  300,459,706  296,931,289  -1.17%  -3,528,418 
Source: Nielsen//NetRatings, June 2004 

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