
Internet Users Unwilling To Pay For Content, Says Pew

Internet Users Unwilling To Pay For Content, Says Pew

According to the latest Pew Internet report, 17% of US internet users have been asked to pay for something that used to be free online and 12% of Internet users, more than 13 million people, say a favourite site has gone out of business as a result of the advertising slowdown and subsequent effects on the web.

However, 62% of users have found alternative sites providing the same information or service. 17% of Internet users, around 19 million people, have been asked to pay for access or content which the were previously able to access free of charge although half of these users have found a free alternative. Only 12% of those questioned chose to pay for the service when a charge was levied, the rest either did without the product or service or sought a free alternative.

48% of those questioned believe that the closure of some internet companies is a good thing because there were too many sites with too little to offer. This is down from 57% who were asked the same question in February. 34% believe that meltdown in the online sector will have a major impact on the economy, up from the 26% who believed that when asked the question in February.

The survey was carried out by Pew between August and September this year and involved over 2,200 adults in the US. The original report was released by Pew on 14.11.01.

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