
Internet Video Subscriptions To Grow To $4.6 Billion By 2008

Internet Video Subscriptions To Grow To $4.6 Billion By 2008

The value of the worldwide internet video subscription market is set to grow to more than $4.6 billion by 2008, says a new report from In-Stat/MDR.

According to the high-tech market research firm, this sector is set for rapid expansion as it continues to extend its reach to include different types of content, such as sports videos, as well as reaching internet hot spots, wireless services and mobile phones.

The report says that sports video subscriptions are being used to leverage what networks already have to offer on television and are being used to entice more consumers to sign-up for high-speed broadband services.

It is hoped that once consumers experience extended sports coverage via broadband, their appetite will grow for more types of content, plus they may eventually want it delivered to their mobile phones and new portable video devices.

In the UK, BSkyB has launched Sky Sports Broadband in partnership with AOL and Wanadoo to deliver enhanced sports programme via the internet.

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