
Interpublic Sees Q4 2006 Revenue Growth

Interpublic Sees Q4 2006 Revenue Growth

Interpublic Group recorded organic revenue growth of 0.4% in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared to the same period a year previously.

Full year organic revenue increased by 1.0% for 2006 compared with 2005.

Fourth quarter 2006 revenue was $1.88 billion, compared to $1.90 billion the same period a year previously. Full year 2006 revenue was $6.19 billion, compared to $6.27 billion during 2005.

Michael Roth, Interpublic’s chairman and CEO, said: “2006 was a solid year for us. Achieving organic growth for the full year is significant in light of the revenue deficit created by 2005 losses. The underlying growth demonstrates the competitive vitality of our agencies.

“We continue to be successful in winning business and attracting talent across all of our operating units. We are also beginning to see the benefits of key corporate initiatives that have put us on track to be fully Sarbaines Oxley compliant in 2007 and to meet our turnaround margin objectives for 2008.

Strategically, we took significant steps last year by merging Draft and FCB, as well as re-organising our media operations. These decisions, along with continued focus and investment on building our digital and emerging market capabilities, position us to keep pace with the rapid changes that are transforming media and marketing services.

“While this past year saw us lay a strong foundation for the future, there still remains much work to be done. Our focus for 2007 must be on supporting our clients, improving on growth and executing against our operating plans.”

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