
IPA appoints new president

IPA appoints new president

The IPA has announced that Tom Knox, chairman of DLKW LOWE, will succeed Ian Priest as president of the IPA in March 2015.

Knox will be expected to serve a two-year, annually-elected term which will first be ratified on 26 March 2015 as part of the IPA’s AGM proceedings. His first public platform will be at the IPA Members’ lunch in April, where he will outline his two-year manifesto.

The announcement comes at the end of a formal three-month selection process by the IPA Presidential Nominating Committee, which was led by Moray MacLennan, worldwide CEO of M&C Saatchi.

“My role as Chairman of the nominating committee was remarkably straightforward – to identify that certain someone whom the industry wants as their next leader,” said MacLennan.

“It was soon obvious that this person was Tom. And we were even more delighted when he accepted with as much enthusiasm. I have no doubt that he will be a fantastic leader for the IPA and the industry.”

Knox added: “I am tremendously flattered and honoured to be chosen as the IPA’s next President and I look forward to building on Ian’s ADAPT agenda.

“As Hon Sec and Chairman of the Membership Committee I am aware of the great team and resources that the IPA has and I will do my utmost to live up to the legacy of all my illustrious predecessors.”

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