
IPA Moves To Clarify Marketing Jargon

IPA Moves To Clarify Marketing Jargon

IPA Logo The IPA has announced the creation of a new resource for agencies, seeking to standardise the terminology used in making media bookings across the nation’s print titles.

The trade body’s new PressLex database aims to reduce confusion caused by industry jargon, making the collection of data much easier.

The IPA explains that, historically, agencies have tended to develop and use their own abbreviations for the titles of newspapers and magazines, leading to confusion and extra work for those attempting to consolidate data.

By using PressLex, which has been developed for the IPA by DDS, agencies will have a web interface which gives them the IPA’s ‘industry standard’ name for a publication. This online database will be at www.presslex.com, with agencies able to search for publications through a number of criteria such as name, interest and frequency.

This online database will be available to users from August and is free to the end user. Frank Hall, press controller at Carat welcomed the move, stating: “Many agencies are already looking to manage their press inventory more effectively through greater integration of the press information they hold or subscribe to. Creating an industry standard for something as basic as what we call each title is essential if agencies and data suppliers are ever to achieve better and more effective integration of overall press systems.”

Hamish Pringle, director general of the IPA added: “PressLex is a classic example of the key structural work the IPA does behind the scenes for the benefit of its members and the industry at large. It will facilitate B2B communications and work with, rather than against, e-commerce.”

IPA: 020 7235 7020 www.ipa.co.uk

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