
iPad sales hit plateau

iPad sales hit plateau

Is the iPad’s reign going to come to an end? New research from IDC shows that while worldwide tablet shipments grew in the third quarter, Apple, the market leader, saw shipments plateau.

Global tablet shipments grew 36.7% to 47.6 million units in Q3 2013, however iPad figures declined from 14.6 million to 14.1 million quarter on quarter.

Meanwhile, Samsung recorded a 54% year on year growth, closing the gap between Apple significantly.

Lenovo also led a strong charge, up a huge 421% year on year, securing shipment figures comfortably between Asus and Acer.

However, despite the drop in iPad shipments, analysts at Statista believe that the market giant will not be too concerned with recent developments. Apple is still expected to take the majority share of the industry’s profits and new devices, such as the iPad Air and Retina iPad mini – unveiled last month – are set to look stronger than ever.


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