
IPA’s Watchdog Group To Re-launch As Ethcom

IPA’s Watchdog Group To Re-launch As Ethcom

IPA Logo The IPA’s ethical policy group, previously know as the Watchdog Group, is to re-launch as the Ethcom Group in order to re-emphasise its role in promoting “ethical consumerism” through balancing the rights to advertise freely with responsible behaviour.

The Ethcom Group will advise on ethical policy and, as part of its wide remit, will encourage debates on major issues.

The first debate, on 11 September, will consider how the agency industry can embrace ethical and sustainable practices while continuing to promote ethical consumerism.

The debate’s contributions and outcome are expected to contribute to an IPA policy statement for the IPA and its members.

The Ethcom Group will also be conducting an online poll on the IPA website from July by posting the following yes/no question: “Is it our responsibility, as advertising practitioners, to consider and mitigate the effect of our activities on the long-term sustainability of the world’s resources?”

Chairman of the Group and CEO of Publicis, Grant Duncan, said: “It seemed to us that the issues facing our industry are evolving more quickly than ever. The ‘Watchdog’ epithet was created at a time when the communications industry was under attack from over-zealous governmental policies at home and in Europe.

“That still remains the case, but the issues have got bigger. Most evidently, our world is changing as our commercial instincts begin to clash with the ability of society, resources and the environment to sustain and cope with them.”

As part of this re-think, Giles Hedger, planning director of Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy, has been appointed vice chairman of the Group.

IPA: 020 7235 7020 www.ipa.co.uk

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