
IPC Unveils TV Magazine Research

IPC Unveils TV Magazine Research

Tv IPC TX, the TV weeklies publisher, has unveiled a major qualitative research study providing ongoing insight into UK TV magazine reading households.

The 18-month research project, The Street, offers detailed insight into the lifestyles, attitudes and aspirations of TV weeklies consumers.

The first wave of research has found that the woman in the household rules the home, taking most responsibility for the key roles including household finances and major purchasing decisions, as well as childcare and housework. She is a brand champion, committed to her brand heroes “throughout the home, not just the kitchen”.

The research also found that TV weekly consumers are unashamed TV fans, but far from the stereotypical couch potato, they have hectic, busy lives and, as ‘TV treasure hunters’, trust only their paid-for TV weekly magazine to guide and advise them on the pearls of the week’s TV.

The Street is made up of 12 TV magazine reading families from across the UK; at various life stages and covering all the UK’s paid-for TV magazines.

Fiona Dent, IPC TX managing director, said: “The Street is a ground-breaking research project for the TV weeklies sector, highlighting not only why TV weekly magazines are so valued, but also challenging stereotypical views of their audience.

“TV weeklies consumers lead busy and active lives, and in their time pressured world, they rely heavily on their favourite brands to navigate their families to the very best products.”

Kate Mackenzie, IPC Weeklies advertising director, added: “The Street brings incredible insight into TV magazine households and will challenge perceptions of this 11.6 million strong audience.

“These valuable consumers are extremely difficult to reach, with 67% not reading a mid or tabloid daily newspaper and a staggering 69% not consuming a women’s weekly magazine.”

The Street research is conducted by SPA Research. There will another wave in 2007 and further waves conducted in 2008, into which advertisers will be invited to input.

The latest ABC figures show that IPC’s What’s on TV was the top TV weekly magazine in the first six months of the year, with a circulation of around 1.4 million copies, whilst H Bauer’s TV Choice was just 30,000 copies behind (see ABC Results Jan-Jun 2007:TV Choice Closes Gap On What’s On TV).

IPC Media: 0870 4445000 www.ipcmedia.com

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