
iPhone Users Top Mobile Media Usage

iPhone Users Top Mobile Media Usage

iPhone users surpass all others in mobile media usage, with more than 80% of iPhone users in France, Germany and the UK using the device to browse news and information on the mobile Web, compared to 32% of other smartphone users, according to a new report from comScore M:Metrics.

The report found that even on the slower 2.5G mobile network, the iPhone has increased mobile internet consumption by a factor of 13 times in the case of a category such as social networking sites.

The study also found that 42% of iPhone users visited a social networking site on their device in May compared to the market average of 3% and 10% of smartphone owners.

E-mail is another popular feature, with nearly 70% of iPhone users sending and receiving e-mail with the device, compared to just 26% among other smartphones users and 7.6% of the cell phone market overall.

Paul Goode, senior analyst, comScore M:Metrics, said: “Our data confirm that the iPhone and its requisite data plan have succeeded in drawing consumers to the mobile web.

“Even without 3G networking, users are happy to browse and consume as much content as they can, and as soon as the data speeds improve, these figures will likely continue to increase.”

A recent report from Point Topic claimed that under three million people in the UK are using mobile internet (see Under 3m People In UK Use Mobile Internet).

Point Topic asked 2000 people from across the UK if they had accessed the internet on a mobile device during May. It found that just 6% of the general adult population, equivalent to 2.9 million users, said they had used the internet on the move in the last month.

Nielsen Company, meanwhile, found that mobile internet extends the audience reach of many leading internet sites by an average of 13% over home PC traffic alone (see Mobile Internet Extends Website Reach).

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