New research from Frost & Sullivan reveals that the global set top box market has been experiencing significant growth, due in most part to Internet Protocol Television (IPTV).
Natarajan Krishnamurthy, analyst at Frost & Sullivan, said: “The introduction of IPTV functionalities such as digital video recording presents a great opportunity for the growth of the set top box market.
“In addition, growing penetration of HDTVs into the consumer electronics market has created a strong need for set top boxes to deliver better-quality video.
“The key challenge in set top box technology is to meet the Motion Pictures Expert Group (MPEG)-4 HD requirements.”
Strategy Analytics recently released a report which forecast that the number of IPTV households will grow from 5.8 million homes globally in 2006 to over 80 million in 2011 (see IPTV Households To Grow To Over 80 Million).
Meanwhile, the findings of a survey by Accenture and the Economist Intelligence Unit found that more than half of communications industry executives believe that IPTV can generate significant revenue within the first three years of service (see IPTV Could Generate Significant Revenue Within 3 Years).