Is Channel 4 Selling Out?

Channel 4 is forsaking its individuality and selling out for the sake of popularity, according to recent research carried out by Scottish TV, which followed and analysed C4’s schedule for a week, beginning February 1st. According to the study 41% of the total week’s schedule was made up of imported programmes in comparison to ITV’s 22%.
Imports grew to a maximum on Sunday 7th when they took up a massive 67% of the channel’s transmission time. On viewing these figures, STV believes that C4 is breaching its initial remit set out in the 1990 Broadcasting Act which stated that its schedule should contain a suitable proportion of matter to appeal to interests not catered for by ITV.
Simon Forest from STV told MediaTel that the analysis has now been handed over to the ITV Network which will decide whether to pursue the matter further with the Independent Television Commission or the Channel 4 board.
The accusations come just two months after Channel 4 took on its own advertising sales, putting it in direct competition with ITV companies for advertising revenue.