
Is TV in the cloud?

Is TV in the cloud?


TV is moving to the cloud, according to TechCrunch. Although the industry will resist change, it is inevitable – and positive. It will allow viewers to find and share new content and consume television in a different way.

“Does anyone really doubt that eventually the internet will triumph to smash the rigid programme guide that cable and satellite companies shove down our throats? Most of us only watch a few dozen channels regularly, yet we pay for 500,” Erick Schonfeld writes.

“If we could subscribe on a per channel or per show basis, many of would. It’s just so obvious that the better experience starts with letting people watch what they want, when they want, on whatever device they want.”

According to Schonfeld, the television industry is keen to hold on to set-top boxes, higher TV ad revenues and monthly subscriptions because it is more lucrative for content owners. But in this new connected TV world, what will the consumer want?

Read the full article here.

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