ISBA Conference : Can C5 Deliver?

Nick Milligan, Director of Sales for Channel 5 Broadcasting, revealed part of Channel 5’s strategy for its launch in 1997 at the ISBA conference (27/6/96). Mr Milligan stressed that he could not reveal the schedule list as there were competitors present but said that C5 hoped to produce more choice and alternatives to a younger (not youngest), modern, mainstream audience. Melrose Place, Strange Luck and Beverley Hills 90210 were some of the programs said to be screened.
A key issue mentioned was that Channel 5 would concentrate less on attacking ITV and more the BBC because of their greater audience share. Alternative programmes include a step away from the Saturday morning kids format as this is already done on both the BBC and ITV. The night service will include music and sport with C5 hoping to clench deals to show baseball and ice hockey. As well as this Mr Milligan said that both channels (ITV and BBC 1) have specific programme slots, for example the 9’0 clock news, which due to “traditions” cannot be changed. C5 hope to exploit this by screening programs in these slots that would draw audiences away from them.
Channel 5 need to convince the ITC a 38% minimum audience reach can be achieved and C5 believe that this has already been done. The ITC also state that 40% of programmes must be originated with the remaining 60% acquired. C5 are actually looking to produce 60% of originated programmes with 40% acquired. They also plan to have a mass market campaign which includes sending questionnaires directly to consumers asking whether they want C5.
“You choose….Anything else you can think of ” was Nick Milligan’s message regarding C5’s programming schedule.
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