
ITC Gets The Public’s View

ITC Gets The Public’s View

The Independent Television Commission today issues results of a survey focused on Television: The Public’s View. Over 1,200 people were interviewed for the main survey and 1,603 for the cable & satellite extension, during September 1992 to examine public attitudes towards television.

  • Respondents were asked out of every ten hours that they watched television how many hours they dedicated to every channel available to them, adding up to ten hours in total. In terrestrial homes ITV attracted the largest share of viewing, with BBC1 in second place. This data revealed a smaller gap between the respective viewing shares for these two channels than TV industry statistics supplied by the Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB).
  • An increased level of interest was shown in new television channels – 81% of viewers with cable or satellite thought the new channels provided programmes which were either better than (44%) or of similar quality (37%) to those shown on terrestrial channels.
  • ITV achieved the largest reported share of viewing of any single channel among cable and satellite householders, achieving between one-fifth and one-quarter of viewing.
Main survey New survey
869* 1603
% %
BBC1 including Breakfast TV 34 18
BBC2 13 8
ITV including TV-am 39 21
CHANNEL 4 13 9

*Terrestrial homes only

Television: The Public’s View is published as an ITC Research Monograph (£16). Telephone: 081 947 2777

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