
ITN Boss Set To Leave

ITN Boss Set To Leave

ITN Mark Wood, chief executive of ITN, is set to leave the news broadcaster next year to “pursue opportunities outside the company”.

Wood, who took up the role as chief executive of ITN in June 2003 having been chairman of the company since July 1998, will remain is his role for an undisclosed period of time, according to reports.

Before joining ITN, Wood was editor-in-chief of Reuters and later became managing director of Reuters Content Partners, with responsibility for strategic media investments.

Wood said: “I am proud that ITN is now flourishing as a diversified multi-media company while still delivering truly outstanding news programming to its network customers.”

He added: “We have built a world-leading video clips business in ITNSource and now compete head-on with the leaders in the motion imagery market. In the past year alone, ITN has launched the 24-hour Setanta Sports news channel and created an archive clips channel which is a top traffic driver on MySpace and YouTube.”

ITN: 020 7430 4700 www.itn.co.uk

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