It’s fine

Take a wider view of the industry beyond the daily headlines and you will see the future is bright. We don’t appreciate this enough and should say it more often.
It really is. Hear me out. It’s really not as bad or as in flux as you might think, judging from what you might see on social media or in colleague’s emails.
In response to The Media Leader‘s Friday Review email, in which the editor remarked on a sunny week and better recent news for the industry, I realised that this simple statement, that things in media and advetising are reasonably alright, isn’t said enough.
There are of course negatives in terms of layoffs and the continued weakness of the UK economy. As a self employed consultant I’ve at times felt the bumps in the road like many of us.
But if we take a wider view of the industry, the media world, the initiatives and from what I have experienced working with brands, agencies and media companies, the future is bright.
We are trying to be more accountable
From talent and measurement, to supply chain and transparency, the black box is diminishing.
Despite the prolonged behaviours of certain monopoly corners, there seems to be more responsibility and openness willingly placed one’s own shoulders. Conversations between brands, agencies and tech companies could be a nicer three-way discussion, but the right talks are happening.
Ultimately, as a media industry we all have our part to play showing the media’s contribution (and indeed marketing) to the business.
We are starting to do better — for each other
We are introducing and actioning DE&I initiatives and starting to follow through with some of them.
Although we are a long way off on some, and not even out the traps on others, think how far we have come in five years.
There is a sense of wanting to measure our own progresses and support initiatives. The best businesses know they need a suite of diversity of all kinds in the workforce to deliver work which ultimately needs to be addressed to such wider audiences themselves.
We are thirsty for innovation
When I consult with agencies in particular, albeit creatively integrating with media, commerce, or media themselves, hand is often forced with shared budgets, and the typical bellwether reports spell fiscal caution.
But under the rock forms the diamonds. I have seen great ideas and work come through.
Again, sometimes the final sign off dilutes and stymies the work, but the fruition of imagination and creativity, resource and smart use of data (more with less) is abundant.
We want to disrupt our own learned experiences
I see sales houses playing nicely to work together for the same goals, as well as braver work in outdoor, many of which are coming from medium sized businesses too.
Some agencies are also really leaning into remote work which can be uncomfortable and has its drawbacks.
I personally would love more work, celebration and love going into smaller businesses, but I feel the Goliaths are on the right path to inspire the Davids.
And, despite the both misunderstood and dystopian underbelly of AI and tech, it is all driven by human desire to make our own and other lives better.
Let’s meditate on this a moment.
If we can maintain this trajectory of people working together, knowing that each part is the sum of an even greater part, an activation, a customer or cultural change, there are no limits to how far we can take this media place.
Simon Akers is a marketing consultant, media strategist, and founder of Archmon, a marketing consultancy for brands and agencies.
He is also an inaugural member of the Future 100, The Media Leader‘s collection of the most disruptive, high-achieving, and innovative rising stars in the media and advertising industry.