
ITV Announces Management Reshuffle Preparing For Digital Age

ITV Announces Management Reshuffle Preparing For Digital Age

ITV has unveiled a new top team and management structure in order to “position itself for growth in the digital age” and focus more closely on the needs of viewers and advertisers.

The new management structure will see Mick Desmond, chief executive of ITV Broadcasting, part company with the business just weeks after sales director Graham Duff resigned his post.

Granada chief executive Simon Shaps will now take creative control of the ITV network, while Ian McCulloch becomes commercial director to oversee all of ITV’s sales and marketing activity.

Clive Jones, currently CEO of the ITV Regions and News Group, will retain his position but assume added responsibility for the company’s sports production, broadcast resources and compliance. ITV’s regional managing directors will continue to report to Jones.

Elsewhere, ITV’s production arm, Granada, will be renamed ITV Production. However, the Granada brand will continue to be used for international and third party productions in the UK. John Whiston, currently director of drama, children’s arts and features at Granada, will become acting head.

The broadcaster’s ITV Worldwide brand will now comprise Granada International, Granada Ventures and Granada’s international production businesses, with responsibility for all international production and third party sales. William Medlicott, former COO of Carlton International and currently finance director of Granada, will become acting head of ITV Worldwide until a permanent appointment is made.

The high level reshuffle, which becomes effective immediately, is intended to build ITV’s broadcasting business, extend production businesses and develop new revenue streams, the company said in a statement this morning.

New revenue streams, such as those from mobile, broadband and other new media ventures, will continue to be sought by Jeff Henry as director of ITV Consumer. The broadcaster stated that henry’s team had already begun delivering an “exciting range of new consumer products and services,” including ITV mobile and ITV local announced earlier this month.

Explaining the need for the management reshuffle, Charles Allen, CEO of ITV, said: “ITV is now ready to move into its next phase of growth. Today’s changes mean that all parts of our business will now be able to work together more effectively. The new structure will ensure that our primary focus is on the needs of viewers and advertisers, both in the UK and internationally.

“We have the right structure and the right people in key roles to drive the business forward. I am confident that we will be able to attract the best talent from within ITV or externally to the exciting new positions we have created.”

The broadcaster will now begin the search for a new finance director and directors of ITV Production and TV Worldwide.

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