
ITV deputy chairman to step down

ITV deputy chairman to step down

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ITV deputy chairman Sir George Russell is to step down from the ITV board at the end of the month.

Russell’s departure will coincide with the arrival of new non-executive chairman Archie Norman.

He joined the board in 2003 and played a big part in the merger of Carlton and Granada – which created a single ITV – in February 2004.

Russell said: “I had always made it clear that I wanted to see Michael Grade through his tenure and now that has come to an end, it is the right time for me to step down from what has been a fascinating and fulfilling six years at ITV.”

ITV’s departing executive chairman, Michael Grade, added: “Sir George has made a huge contribution to ITV plc since its inception in 2004.

“He was instrumental in seeing the merger through, with the full support of shareholders, and since then has offered invaluable advice on any number of regulatory and broader industry issues. I personally would like to thank him for the support he has offered me during my time at ITV.”

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