Brand purpose agency Given has hired Mediatel News columnist and brand marketer Jan Gooding as chair.
Gooding, who joins two other non-executive board advisors, Craig Wildman and Nigel Salter, has worked for BT, British Gas and Aviva in a career spanning 35 years. She is also chair of audience measurement company PAMCo and chair of the charity Stonewall.
Given, which just celebrated a decade in business, specialises in ‘organisational purpose’ and said Gooding’s hire will help accelerate its growth both domestically and internationally at a time when brands are beginning to have an appetite for organisational change.
“What excites me particularly, is the opportunity I have to help bring Given’s true potential to fruition,” said Gooding, who writes a monthly column for Mediatel News.[advert position=”left”]
“For the last 10 years they have been working diligently in the background, building a fantastic client base and focusing on becoming a strong, strategic consultancy which can really add value within this incredibly important area of responsible business.
“There is a lot of chat about brand purpose having had its day. This is true of fake brand purpose and ‘purpose washing’. Now, thanks to pressure from both investors, consumers and the wider climate context organisations are looking to make deep, structural changes to their operations. This is what true purpose has always been about and is what Given has always been focused on. Not only are they poised for growth, organisations are now poised for advice.”
Given’s managing director Becky Willan added: “We are absolutely delighted Jan has joined us. We see this as an incredibly exciting time, for not only our business, but also for the wider corporate world.
“There is a growing realisation that brand purpose can’t be used as simply a marketing tool or an idea for advertising. Organisations must have a purpose-driven strategy at an organisational level, and they must be restless about delivering real change which is comprehensive and systemic.”