
Johnston Press Results ‘Ahead of Expectations’

Johnston Press Results ‘Ahead of Expectations’

Local newspaper publisher, Johnston Press, today announced that trading results for the first half of this year will be ahead of expectations, as advertising revenue grows by 5.8%.

All categories of advertising are ahead of forecast, with the strongest growth coming from the recruitment sector reflecting the improved business climate in the south of the country, said the group. The second half of this year is also looking positive, as advertising revenue continues to grow.

Business from national advertisers was particularly strong when compared to the weak performance from this sector for the same period last year, however display advertising experienced only a modest growth, the group said.

Circulation at the weekly titles grew for the seventh year running, while the overall trend at the dailies was down slightly.

The results for the 26 week period to 30 June, are due to be announced on 25 August.

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