
Jowell To Address Advertisers At ISBA Conference

Jowell To Address Advertisers At ISBA Conference

ISBA’s annual conference will take place on 3 March next year with a range of speakers including Culture Secretary, Tessa Jowell, who will outline the Government’s expectations of advertisers.

The one day event, which takes place at the London Hilton, will attempt to address a range of key current issues for UK advertisers, including extending the role of effective self-regulation, double standards in advertising and programming and connecting with the consumer in the digital age.

The conference will also see Mick Desmond, joint managing director of ITV, examine the future of the network; Patricia Hodgson, chief executive of the ITC, give her perspective on BBC charter renewal; and Garry Lace, chief executive of Grey Advertising, look at the future for agencies.

ISBA’s director general, Malcolm Earnshaw, said: “We are delighted to have assembled such a strong line-up of speakers to tackle each of these hot issues. All are high profile expert practitioners, leading advertisers or senior decision-makers who exert direct influence on the environment in which we operate.

He added: “Tessa Jowell has agreed to speak at the event to give us a clear idea of exactly what Government expects of advertisers. It is crucial for us to understand this at a time when possible further restrictions or bans on advertising appear to be moving ever higher up the political agenda.”

Last month ISBA called for the Government-launched review of the BBC’s online services to go further in assessing the impact of the Corporation’s £111 million internet services on the commercial market (see ISBA Urges Government To Go Further With BBC Online Review).

ISBA: 020 7499 7502 www.isba.org.uk

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