
Judges revealed for The Future 100 Club 2024

Judges revealed for The Future 100 Club 2024

The judging line-up has been announced for the 2024 edition of The Future 100 Club.

One hundred individuals outside the C-suite will be inducted this year as The Media Leader strives to better support and educate future leaders of our industry.

The 20 judges will evaluate each nominee’s ability to embrace disruption, foster innovation, exhibit courage and strive for excellence — The Media Leader’s core principles.

There are no barriers or discrimination based on age, industry experience or job title, as long as nominees are not in the C-suite.

To nominate someone who deserves recognition as a future media leader, visit here.

Entries will close on 5 September and The Media Leader will announce the class of 2024 on 23 September.

Full list of judges

Elizabeth Anyaegbuna, co-founder, 16×9 Media
Bobi Carley, head of media and diversity & inclusion, Isba
Chloë Davies, founder and CEO, It Takes A Village
Chris Dunne, joint CEO, Outvertising; head of marketing, Thinkbox
Ivor Falvey, director of talent and leadership, EMEA, Dentsu
Lisa Goodchild, chief troublemaker, Digilearning
Jeremy King, CEO, Festival of Media
Katharina Koall, dean, UA92
Maria McDowell, founder and CEO, Lollipop Mentoring
Shannie Mears, co-founder and head of talent, The Elephant Room
Omar Oakes, editor-in-chief, The Media Leader
Ally Owen, founder, Brixton Finishing School
Nishma Patel Robb, founder and CEO, The Glittersphere
Amanda Pitt, global executive talent consultant, The Pitt Consultancy
Nikki Sehgal, general manager, Mefa
Karen Stacey, president, Wacl; CEO, Digital Cinema Media
Gill Tacchi, head of people, Adwanted Group
Avelon Thompson, head of DEI, EssenceMediacom
Dinah Williams, founder, The Avenir Network
Tara Winstanley, partner and media practice lead, Grace Blue Partnership

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