
Kantar Q1 2011: Online Usage

Kantar Q1 2011: Online Usage

Kantar Media

Data recently released by Kantar Media shows that the online population in Great Britain grew by just under 2% in the past year.

A monthly average of 37.5 million people were online in GB from January to March 2011.

Kantar Q1 2011 Growth

While the YoY growth for this quarter is less than the previous period (7.8%), Q1 2011 saw a record amount of users in Britain. The ratio of men and women that make up the online universe is balancing out with an even half and half split.

Kantar Q1 2011 Gender

Internet Users by Location

Nearly 36 million people in GB accessed the internet from home in Q1 2011. While this was by far the most popular location to go online yearly growth has been small (1.8%). Mobile internet usage continues to grow at an impressive rate with an annual increase of 28%, totalling 7.7 million users for the first quarter of the year. 34% of users (12.8 million) logged on from work, an increase of 8% YoY.

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Internet Users by Age

Users aged 35-44 made up the largest age group online with 8.3 million users. The younger age groups (15-44) made up 60% of all people online. The oldest bracket , 65+, represented the smallest amount of users with 9%.

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Internet Users by Social Grade

Users from a C1 background represented the largest social grade online in GB, with 11.6 million users. AB’s were the second largest group with 10.8 million while the lower social grades (C2 and DE) both had 7.5 million users. All grades showed growth of just under 2% over the past year.

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