
Kids A Big Influence On Parents

Kids A Big Influence On Parents

Viacom Logo Kids are influencing their parents more and more when it comes to new technology, passing on knowledge to technophobic parents and letting them know which in-demand items are cool or not.

Jointly commissioned research from Viacom Brand Solutions, the media sales house, and Nickelodeon UK, the kids’ television network, showed that parents are increasingly using their children as “consultants” when it comes to buying things from cars to consumer electronics.

The report, Nickelodeon Generations, surveyed over 80 two to 12 year olds, revealing 15 mindsets which showed how kids understand the world around them. The report identified Media Culture as one such mindset and said that children’s use of fringe media has helped its rapid rise, for example with online social networking sites such as Bebo.

Andy Goodhead, vice president of planning and presentation with Nickelodeon UK, said: “Children under 12 have strong opinions on everything from celebrity to school and have great influence in today’s society on their parents’ behaviour.

“They are able to absorb and understand media messages enough to make important decisions and influence their parents on what is right – whether it be social behaviour or what to buy. For example, parents may pass technology down to them, but they are most definitely passing the ‘know-how’ back up.”

However, Mr Goodhead went on to note that: “Children are more fickle and short-term about everything in their lives, from brands to their friends.”

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