
Latest US Ad Forecasts From eMarketer

Latest US Ad Forecasts From eMarketer

US online advertising spend will not return to the boom levels of 2000 for another three years, according to the latest set of forecasts from eMarketer.

In 2000, at the height of dotcom fever, US online advertising revenues topped $8 billion, but rapidly fell back to just $6.0 billion last year. However, growth has now started to return and eMarketer expects the $8.1 billion level to be reached in 2006, with strong growth of 12.5% that year.
US Online Advertising Forecasts 
  Spend ($bn)  Growth (%) 
2000 8.1
2001 7.1 -12.3
2002 6.0 -15.5
2003 6.3 5.0
2004 6.8 7.9
2005 7.2 5.9
2006 8.1 12.5
Source: eMarketer, June 2003 

Total US advertising eMarketer has also published its latest figures for the total US advertising market. Whilst the internet will not reach its pre-2001 figure until 2006, the total US advertising market will have exceeded the 2000 peak even as early as this year.

Total US Advertising Forecasts 
  Spend ($bn)  Growth (%) 
2000 247.5
2001 231.3 -6.5
2002 236.8 2.4
2003 248.3 4.9
2004 263.5 6.1
2005 277.5 5.3
2006 293.0 5.6
Source: eMarketer, June 2003 

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