
Legal Crackdown Scares Off Music Downloaders

Legal Crackdown Scares Off Music Downloaders

The record industry appears to be having some success in its efforts to deter internet users from downloading music files from unlicensed websites.

The results of a survey carried out by comScore Media Metrix and issued this week by the Pew Internet and American Life Project indicate that 18 million people, equivalent to just 14% of the US internet population, downloaded music during November and December.

By comparison, it is estimated that 35 million, or 29% of web users, were involved in this activity between March and May. The fall-off would appear to be a reaction to the spate of lawsuits instituted against downloaders by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

A fifth of those who say they continue to download or share files online say they are doing so less often because of the legal action.

In the past year, music bosses have come under pressure to introduce legitimate online services that allow users to download tracks for a fee as on Apple’s iTunes Music Store (see Music Downloading Proving Increasingly Popular).

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