
Lindsey Clay appointed chief executive of Thinkbox

Lindsey Clay appointed chief executive of Thinkbox

Thinkbox has today announced that Lindsey Clay is to become the organisation’s chief executive from 1 January 2014. Clay is currently Thinkbox’s managing director.

Thinkbox’s current executive chair, Tess Alps, will become the non-executive chair on the same date, working with the organisation two days a week.

Alps was CEO until July 2012 and the position has remained unfilled as a gradual transfer of responsibility to Clay for running Thinkbox has been made over the last few years.

“Let there be no doubt; Lindsey is now in charge of Thinkbox,” said Alps. “She has been by my side leading the organisation since 2007, and all that we have achieved has been with her vital input. I couldn’t wish for anyone more brilliant to hand the precious reins over to and I’m thrilled that the shareholders agree.

“However, I shall still be involved and my devotion to getting TV a fair hearing will never diminish.”

Commenting on her appointment, Lindsey Clay said: “Tess is the definition of a hard act to follow. She’s an inspirational leader and a much-loved media mega-star. Thinkbox is extremely lucky to have had her peerless talent at its helm. It has been a privilege, an honour and enormous fun to work alongside her and I’m delighted that she is still going to be involved.

“And, as well as Tess, Thinkbox is lucky to have such a supportive group of shareholders who believe in our mission so wholeheartedly. It is a pleasure to work with them and I look forward to this new chapter in Thinkbox’s future.”

Jeremy Tester, director of brand strategy at Sky Media, is the new chair of the Thinkbox board, taking over from Julia Jordan, UKTV’s executive director, business & operations.

The role of chair of the Thinkbox board involves leading and representing combined Thinkbox shareholder interests and chairing board meetings. The role is held for a year before passing to another Thinkbox shareholder director.

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