
Living launches new channel and portfolio rebrand

Living launches new channel and portfolio rebrand

Living TV ident

Living, the entertainment channel owned by Virgin Media, is rebranding its whole portfolio, with new channel Livingit replacing Living2.

Livingit, which launches on 30 November at 6am with the strapline “life’s worth watching”, comes with several new programmes, including Air Ways, The 45 Stone Virgin, Ghost Adventures and New Extreme: Skinny Celebrities.

Living is also introducing a new on/off-screen and online brand identity, with its new logo incorporated into every ident.

Claudia Rosencrantz, director of television, Virgin Media Television, said: “With Livingit’s new name, programming and look the channel’s new proposition is crystal clear and perfectly complements its relationship with Living. ‘Life’s worth watching’ will drive the programming strategy and we have big ambitions for the channel to deliver some of the strongest imports and UK productions in multichannel.

“The new look for both channels means they are at their gorgeous glossiest best, keeps the branding perfectly in tune with our incredible programmes and really does justice to Living’s reputation as the jewel in payTV’s crown.”

Jeff Dodds, Virgin Media Television’s brand and marketing director, said: “The Living brand is one of the strongest on UK television, and these developments will solidify our presence even further in the pay TV big league. With the launch of Livingit we are sending a clear message that the channel has a distinct personality in its own right.

“Living’s new on air look not only has huge on screen impact but gives us endless creative possibilities, from using our best loved faces to more abstract concepts that communicate our brand values in a really entertaining and impactful way.”

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