
London Evening Standard and Independent launch new-look apps

London Evening Standard and Independent launch new-look apps

ESI Media has launched a new-look app for the London Evening Standard with the Independent to follow later this year.

The new apps combine interactive (digital) and replica (PDF) editions to fit mobile and tablet devices, while delivering ABC-certifiable copies to subscribers.

The digital aspect will be curated and refreshed throughout the day, featuring swiping navigation and social media sharing capabilities, as well as interactive crosswords and weather reports.

Available on all iOS, Android and Kindle Fire devices, registered users and subscribers have the option to save their details and preferences.

The London Evening Standard app will remain free, but registration will be encouraged for an ‘enhanced’ experience.

The app developments follow consumer research that revealed subscribers desire a digital newspaper that ‘retains the joy of a linear print reading experience’. ESI Media will also offer commercial opportunities for advertisers.

“Our ambition is to directly respond to the demand of our consumers and advertisers by designing a solution for the London Evening Standard and the Independent that is easy to use, interact with and buy,” said Zach Leonard, managing director, digital at the Independent, ‘i’ and London Evening Standard.

“This is evidence of our ongoing commitment to digital innovation and to meeting our readers’ needs. These apps allow consumers to read our products in the way they want to, and make it easy for advertisers to reach them in new, engaging ways, allowing us to deliver the best journalism to our subscribers and quality cross-platform and cross-title commercial opportunities for brands.”

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