
Look magazine unveils new TV creative

Look magazine unveils new TV creative

Look Magazine Look magazine is set to kick-start a new £2.5 million national TV advertising campaign this week, with the strap line ‘That’s My Look’.

The campaign, which has been developed by the brand’s creative agency Grey London and planned by MediaCom, will launch today with an initial three week burst, followed by sustained activity through the rest of the year.

Look‘s new ad campaign is formed of five different creatives, each capturing the moment when a particular item of clothing makes them feel confident, according to the fashion weekly.

Tara Steadman, Look‘s senior marketing manager, said: “Grey created a fantastic campaign with the initial ‘Have It All’ activity. In this next phase we really wanted to build on that success by creating a campaign that emphasised that very personal but universal connection women have with a much coveted dress or bag.”

Chris Hirst, Grey’s managing director, added: “A challenging brief has led to five beautifully shot ads that visualise women’s emotional attachment to their favourite fashion items.

“We are thrilled with the final result and believe these category breaking ads will have great standout and build on last year’s campaign driving Look to an even stronger market leader position.”

In the last ABC release, Look posted a 2.3% period on period rise, and was up 3% year on year, to 314,000 copies (see ABC Results Jul-Dec 2008:Take a Break takes women’s weeklies top spot again).

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