
Lord Patten to stand down as BBC Trust chairman

Lord Patten to stand down as BBC Trust chairman

Lord Patten, the BBC Trust chairman, has today announced that he will be standing down from his post, with immediate effect, on health grounds.

The news comes after Patten, 69, underwent major heart surgery late last month which he said was successfully treated with a combination of bypass surgery and angioplasty.

However, on the advice of doctors, he is to step down from “the most demanding” of his roles.

Patten, who has held the post since 2011, and was not due to end his role until April 2015, will be replaced by vice chairman Diane Coyle until a successor is appointed.

In a statement Lord Patten said:

“On the advice of my doctors … and having consulted my family and friends, I have concluded that I cannot continue to work at the same full pace as I have done to date, and that I should reduce the range of roles I undertake.

“On this basis I have decided with great regret to step down from much the most demanding of my roles – that of Chairman of the BBC Trust. This is a position that requires and has received from me 100 per cent commitment, and has been my priority at all times. It would not be fair to my family to continue as before; and equally it would not be fair to the BBC and those it serves not to be able to give that commitment which the role demands. I have to begin by taking a six week break from any work at all.

“So I am writing today to the Secretary of State to submit my resignation with immediate effect. It falls to the Government to identify a successor. In the meantime, Diane Coyle, as Vice Chairman of the Trust, will serve as Acting Chair as specified in the Charter, and will continue with her colleagues vigorously to pursue the Trust’s agenda to serve the interests of licence fee payers.

“In doing so, the Trust will enjoy the support and benefit from the skill and experience of Tony Hall, who has made such an outstanding start in his first year as Director-General and who has appointed such an excellent team to help him.

“It has been a privilege to have served as Chairman of the BBC Trust. Like the NHS, the BBC is a huge national asset which is part of the everyday fabric of our lives. It is not perfect – what institution is? It always needs to challenge itself to improve. But it is a precious and wonderful thing, a hugely positive influence which benefits greatly from the creativity and dedication of its staff.

“I have had no reason to doubt that the leaders of all main political parties support the role it plays at the centre of our public realm. Most important of all, the British public enormously value the strength of its output, its independence and the contribution it makes every day to the quality of our lives.

“When in due course the future of the BBC is subject to further discussion at Charter Review time, I hope to say more on the issue. For the time being, however, I shall be making no further statement whatsoever about the BBC or my period as Chairman of the BBC Trust.”

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