
Magazine Market Activity In Early 1992

Magazine Market Activity In Early 1992

A heavy burst of activity is expected in the magazine markets in the first few months of 1992, with several of the major publishers lining up promotions and ad campaigns, as well the arrival of several new titles.

National Magazines is pushing Good Housekeeping with a Cook Book supple- ment in the March issue, whilst House Beautiful has lined up cover-mounted gifts for March and April.

In addition, Nat Mag’s She magazine is to include special features on men and romance in the March and April editions whilst Vogue will concentrate heavily on spring fashion collections and couture.

Ad campaigns are planned for Country Living, Esquire, GQ and Vanity Fair, with promotion through the national press. A poster campaign for Esquire is also being put together.

Brides And Setting Up Home mag will carry a series of banded supplements, and will be supported by consumer press ads, whilst Wedding And Home brings out one of its biggest ever issues in February / March , which includes a supplement for first-time buyers.

Amongst the new launches planned for early 1992 is Redwood Publishing’s BBC Holidays magazine, which launches on 9 January with a print run of 230,000. Sound And Vision magazine from WV Publishing also launches in early January, with a print run of 100,000, whilst Tayvale Publishing issues the first edition of its bi-annual Total Sport magazine on 16 March, with an IPR of 125,000.

IPC is to move its Options and Ideal Home magazines onto permanent sale-or- return from mid- February, following a successful trial during the autumn. Most of Nat Mag’s titles move to SOR from March after tests showed that availability increased and unsolds were kept to a minimum.

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