
Magic 105.4 Scoops London Top Spot With Over Two Million Listeners

Magic 105.4 Scoops London Top Spot With Over Two Million Listeners

London Skyline Magic 105.4 again took the top spot in London, with Q3 2007 RAJAR figures revealing a weekly reach of more than two million listeners after a year on year boost of 24%.

The station also recorded a period on period rise, of more than 3%, to make it the capital’s choice.

Magic’s share of listening remained static period on period at 6.2% , although it was up year on year by almost 17 percentage points. However, listeners are choosing to spend less time with the station, with hours per listener down to 6.6 hours, from 7.1 the previous quarter and 7.0 in Q3 2006.

All featured London stations reported a rise in weekly reach, with Kiss 100 FM also bolstered by more than 20% year on year. The station’s reach now stands at almost 1.6 million listeners, following a period on period rise also.

Share of listening for Kiss 100 FM was, however, down from last quarter, but up more than 13 percentage points from Q3 last year, at 4.3 hours. Hours per listener had declined, by over 13.6% from Q2. Kiss 100 FM fans stick with the station for an average of 5.7 hours, after an 8% year on year fall.

Also recording a year on year and period on period upturn in weekly reach in the capital was Heart 106.2FM, which now boasts a reach of more than 1.9 million listeners after increasing its reach by more than 13.5% year on year and over 7.5% from Q2 2007.

Heart’s share of listening jumped more than 1.6 percentage points year on year, rising to 6.2%, whilst average hours per listener dropped more than 10.5% year on year and quarter on quarter, to 6.8 hours on average. However, this was the highest hours per listener of the stations featured.

It was also a good period for 95.8 Capital Radio, which bolstered its reach by around 16.8% year on year and around 12.4% period on period. The station, which is owned by media giant GCap, now holds a weekly reach of around 1.7 million for Q3 2007.

Its share of listening was up from the last quarter, by almost 15 percentage points, but remained static year on year at 4.7%. Meanwhile, hours per listener dropped by around 14.5% year on year to just under six hours on average.

Meanwhile, Virgin Radio London, which had prior to Q2 2007 reported as Virgin 105.8 FM London, recorded a weekly reach of over one million Londoners, with average hours per listener at six hours and a 2.9% share of listening.

Virgin changed its reporting methodology in Q2, with Virgin Radio London now representing all analogue listening in London.

September 2007 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
  Ending Sep 06 Ending Dec 06 Ending Mar 07 Ending Jun 07 Ending Sep 07 YoY % Change Sep 06 vs Sep 07 QoQ % Change Jun 07 vs Sep 07
95.8 Capital Radio 1,461 1,463 1,623 1,519 1,707 16.84 12.38
Heart 106.2 FM 1,714 1,853 1,698 1,810 1,948 13.65 7.62
Kiss 100 FM 1,324 1,445 1,356 1,515 1,592 20.24 5.08
Magic 105.4 1,636 1,792 1,806 1,963 2,027 23.90 3.26
Virgin Radio London n/a n/a n/a 1,092 1,057 n/a -3.21

September 2007 RAJAR Share of Listening Comparisons
  Ending Sep 06 Ending Dec 06 Ending Mar 07 Ending Jun 07 Ending Sep 07 YoY % Pt Change Sep 06 vs Sep 07 QoQ % Pt Change Jun 07 vs Sep 07
95.8 Capital Radio 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.1 4.7 0.00 14.63
Heart 106.2 FM 6.1 7.1 5.4 6.2 6.2 1.64 0.00
Kiss 100 FM 3.8 3.9 3.9 4.5 4.3 13.16 -4.44
Magic 105.4 5.3 5.5 5.9 6.2 6.2 16.98 0.00
Virgin Radio London n/a n/a n/a 3 2.9 n/a -3.33

September 2007 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
  Ending Sep 06 Ending Dec 06 Ending Mar 07 Ending Jun 07 Ending Sep 07 YoY % Change Sep 06 vs Sep 07 QoQ % Change Jun 07 vs Sep 07
95.8 Capital Radio 6.9 6.9 6.1 6 5.9 -14.49 -1.67
Heart 106.2 FM 7.6 8.3 6.8 7.6 6.8 -10.53 -10.53
Kiss 100 FM 6.2 5.8 6.2 6.6 5.7 -8.06 -13.64
Magic 105.4 7 6.7 7 7.1 6.6 -5.71 -7.04
Virgin Radio London n/a n/a n/a 6 6 n/a 0.00

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