
MailOnline records best ever month for video

MailOnline records best ever month for video

The MailOnline recorded its best ever month for video in July 2014 with more than 50 million video views across its website and apps for the first time.

During July there were a total of 50,647,444 global video views, representing a month-on-month increase of 35.8% and a year-on-year increase if 74.7%. Daily video views averaged at 1.6 million for the month, with three days achieving more than 2.5 million views each.

According to figures released by ABC yesterday, the MailOnline recorded just over 11 million global monthly unique visitors, up 1.2% compared with June and 25.1% compared with the same period last year.

In the UK, the website achieved 53.7 million monthly unique visitors in July, up 0.9% over the month and 22% over the year.

The MailOnline android app reached new global records for both monthly and average daily visitors, while the iPhone app recorded its second best month for monthly visitors.

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