
Majority Of Gamers Play Online

Majority Of Gamers Play Online

Nine out of ten US video gamers, aged 13 to 44, have played games on-line as well using their console systems, says a new report.

According to the Online Gaming: The Consumer Perspective For PC and Video Games survey from NPD Group, nearly 90% of respondents who play video games on a PC, Mac or console also use an internet based system, with 60% preferring to play online using their PC/Mac instead their PlayStation 2 or Xbox console.

Senior industry analyst, Richard Ow said: “The seeds of online gaming were planted when the internet was made available for commercial use in the early 1990’s, so it’s not surprising to see that PC games have the home-court advantage when it comes to online gaming.”

Online Video games are most popular amongst 13 to 44 year olds, with this age range slightly skewed towards males at 53% and the remaining 47% female. However, PlayStation 2 and Xbox users are heavily male dominated, with 88% being male and 12% female.

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