
Majority of users not getting the best out of HD

Majority of users not getting the best out of HD


Around 91% of people still watch standard television and DVDs despite 56% of people owning a HD-ready television, according to new research.

The report found that the majority of UK users do not get the best out of their high-definition televisions, which can show HD TV content from Sky, Virgin and Freesat, as well as HD films on a HD-DVD or Blu-Ray player.

Some games consoles also offer HD content, including Sony’s PlayStation3.  Microsoft’s new XBox 360 and Nintendo’s latest Wii are expected to include Blu-Ray as well.

However, despite this, a survey of 2000 adults found that the majority of people don’t get the best from their in-home gadgets, which also includes mobiles and laptops.

Respondents admitted not setting up HD devices, or using correct cables, or even reading the instruction manuals, saying the technology is too complicated, according to the report.

“Unless you’re really into your technology, perhaps you don’t realise that just because it says HD on the box, the picture quality isn’t necessarily HD,” Stuart Miles, editor of technology website Pocket Lint, told the BBC.  “Once you show people HD they realise how poor the standard picture is, but a lot of people don’t get the opportunity to see that.”

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