
Marcus Rich joins the NRS Board

Marcus Rich joins the NRS Board

Marcus Rich, managing director of the Mail on Sunday, has joined the National Readership Survey (NRS) board as the representative for the Newspaper Publishers Association (NPA).

Rich, who has been managing director of the Mail On Sunday for just over three years, replaces Claire Myerscough, insight transformation director at News International.

The new board will consist of Jane Ratcliffe (IPA), Jackie Newcombe (PPA), Simon Marquis (Chairman, NRS), Mike Ironside (Chief Executive, NRS), Bob Wootton (Director of Media & Advertising, ISBA) and Marcus Rich (NPA).

On joining the board, Rich said: “It’s an honour to be asked to join the NRS board at such an important time for the business. I’ll be sitting alongside some of the most highly respected people in the industry and I am looking forward to being part of the team that brings the much anticipated NRS PADD to fruition.”

Mike Ironside, chief executive of NRS, added: “We’re really pleased to welcome Marcus onto the team. It has never been a more exciting time for NRS. We are in a period of transition as we head towards the launch of NRS PADD this Autumn, so this is a great time for him to bring his publishing and media experience to NRS board.”

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