
Marie Claire launches film series to promote new-look magazine

Marie Claire launches film series to promote new-look magazine


Marie Claire joins forces with Pearl & Dean and Vue Cinemas to launch a series of monthly film preview screenings for its readers in a bid to promote the recently revamped magazine.

As part of the marketing campaign to promote the new-look Marie Claire, cinemas will host special previews, starting with Sony Pictures’ Julie and Julia on September 8.

Readers can register for tickets through the Marie Claire website, which has also been relaunched following the appointment of a the magazine’s new editor-in-chief Trish Halpin earlier this year.

Five of the 20 cinemas hosting the previews will also be holding extra “pamper parlours” for readers attending the screenings, where people can get the hair done by stylists.

Ticket registration for October’s screening – the romantic comedy Couple’s Retreat – will be available online in late September to coincide with the magazine’s October print issue.

Richard Johnstone, publishing director of Marie Claire, said: “The season of Marie Claire exclusive film preview screenings has already proved to be a big hit, with the first screening selling out in less than two days. Not only are preview screenings a great girls night out, an exclusive treat to share with friends, but they also provide us with a high impact media environment to showcase Marie Claire to new and existing readers.”

Kathryn Jacob, CEO of Pearl & Dean, added: “Associating the fun, new Marie Claire with a succession of female-themed film previews is a great way for IPC Southbank to bring the magazine to life for its readership. With the title’s heritage of beauty, fashion, glamour and lifestyle, it is perfectly aligned with the silver screen experience.”

In the latest ABC release, for January to June 2009, Marie Claire shed almost 10% of its circulation year on year – a real term loss of more than 30,000 readers – taking it down to around 285,000 copies.

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