
Maybe advertising does work after all

Maybe advertising does work after all

Matthew Rouse

Matthew Rouse, account director at Mindshare, gives an agency view on RAJAR’s Winners & Losers and National Brands…

Winners & Losers

The big loser in this round of results is definitely the BBC. Eight out of eleven of their national stations lost listeners when compared with the last quarter and both of their ‘jewel in the crown’ Breakfast shows (Chris Moyles and Chris Evans) lost listeners over the same period.

A big winner this quarter is definitely Magic 105.4 who have returned to the number one spot in London with a massive 14.4% QoQ increase. Having advertised the brand on TV as well as cross promoting their Magic Summer Live series of events within their magazine portfolio, Bauer are beginning to maximise the potential of all of their different media outlets, a strategy which is really taking on the BBC at their own game.

National Brands

The newly launched Capital Network posted some great results in that they have increased their overall reach to 6.87 million. After a par result last quarter it could have gone either way but the re-brand (along with some heavy regional marketing) is definitely moving in the right direction. Capital London might have had a QoQ drop but the performance of their Breakfast show (Johnny & Lisa), as well as the performance of the network overall, should help allay any fears over the re-brand.

Another brand that has had some massive results after a round of marketing is Absolute Radio, which is enjoying record audiences for both their station and their Breakfast show after their ‘Faces for Radio’ campaign earlier this year.

Maybe advertising does work after all!

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