
Media Planning Ad Forecasts For 2001 And 2002 Are At The Low End

Media Planning Ad Forecasts For 2001 And 2002 Are At The Low End

Total UK advertising expenditure is set to fall slightly next year, by 1.0% to £9.6 billion, according to the latest growth forecasts from Media Planning Group (MPG), compiled last month. Whilst this is still negative growth, it represents a palpable slowing of decline, from the 7.6% fall expected by the close of 2001.

These figures are more pessimistic than recent forecasts by other industry analysts. Zenith Media has 2001 UK adspend down by 4.0% and 2002 showing a 0.7% growth. ABN Amro, meanwhile, reckons 2001 will be down 6.1%, with 2002 down by 1.1% (see Forecasts).
UK advertising growth forecasts comparisons 
  2001  2002 
Zenith Media -4.0 0.7
Media Planning Group -7.6 -1.0
ABN Amro -6.1 -1.1
Average  -5.9 -0.5
Source: As above, compiled by MediaTel Insight, 12/01 

Share by medium According to MPG, the share between media is set to remain pretty much the same, with radio, outdoor and cinema gaining slightly from press’ and television’s losses, as shown.

Advertising share of expenditure forecasts 
  2001F  2002F 
Radio 4.9 5.2
Outdoor 6.7 7.0
Cinema 1.3 1.5
Television 30.3 29.9
Press 56.8 56.4
Source: Media Planning Group, 11/01 

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