
MediaTel announces new head of commercial development

MediaTel announces new head of commercial development

MediaTel Group has this week announced the appointment of Annabel Wetton as its new head of commercial development.

Annabel joins MediaTel from Bloom Worldwide, where she was commercial director. Prior to that she held senior roles at Redwood Publishing, Hearst Magazines and Bauer.

Annabel is responsible for developing the MediaTel Group business portfolio, including media data services MediaTel.co.uk and Connected Consumer; MediaTel Events; and the fast-growing news and opinion platform, Newsline.

Commenting on her new role, Annabel said: “MediaTel has sat at the centre of our industry for over thirty years now, informing agencies and media owners as they plan and buy. I’m thrilled to have this chance to work on developing its varied and growing portfolio of products, and I am keen to establish new commercial opportunities and partnerships too.”

MediaTel.co.uk is used daily by media executives from over 170 media agencies, media owners, consultancies, industry bodies, investment banks and universities to support planning and decision making; Connected Consumer is a recently-created source of information around the complex, connected media world; and MediaTel Events has built an excellent reputation for delivering entertaining and informative conferences and seminars, working with a number of significant partners.

The company is also home to J-ET, the radio industry’s trading system, which it has been running since 1999.

Derek Jones, managing director of MediaTel, added: “We have worked hard to build MediaTel’s position in thought leadership over the last few years. We are fortunate to work with some of the very best industry commentators on Newsline, who are read every week by the most senior people in the industry; and with provocative and leading speakers at our well-attended events.

“We also recognised the importance of the connected consumer to the industry several years ago, and we intend to further develop the data we can offer to support that thinking now.

“All of these present great opportunities for media and tech companies as vital data sources or promotional vehicles and I’m delighted we have been able to attract someone as highly regarded as Annabel to our London team to help us forge and grow these new business opportunities.”

Find Annabel on LinkedIn, or contact her on [email protected] / 020 7420 3252.

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