
Men Consume More Media Than Women

Men Consume More Media Than Women

Men consume more media than women, with new research from Forrester Research finding that, during one week, men typically spend an average of seven hours more with media than women do.

Men are shown to spend 10.2 hours a week on a PC compared with 8.5 hours for women, with males going online for 6.7 hours and women at only 5.3%.

According to Forrester, once they get online, men use the internet to look for news and finance, job and career information. Women spend the majority of their online hours looking for bargains, downloading coupons, sharing photos, looking for movie information and useing online phone directories.

Jim Nail, an analyst for Forrester said: “Though the internet gender gap is disappearing, with female consumers catching up to their male counterparts in online media consumption, purchasing behaviour and device ownership, differences in how men and women use technology die hard.”

Recent months have seen a surge in women online, especially in the gambling arena, with a report by research company YouGov showing that British women are spending increasing amounts of time online, with 30-40% of internet gamblers female (see UK Females Set To Lead Online Gambling).

The rise in female participation in online gambling is echoed in a study by DFC Intelligence showing that for many services, 50% of users are adult females (see Online Gaming Industry Reaches The Masses).

Women also lead the way in terms of online shopping, with eMarketer claiming that adult women are doing more and more of their shopping online, research by Millward Brown revealed that, in 2004, a quarter of UK consumers spent more than £1000 online, leading the way in Europe in terms of online spend (see UK Leads Europe In Online Spending).

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